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Novembers 26, 2021
The President
Students’ Union Government
University of Nigeria,
Nsukka Campus
Dear Mr. (Comrade) Stephen Ani,


My very warmest greetings to you and the entire students and Government of the Students’ Union 
of the University of Nigeria! 

Following unfolding events and actions, it has become expedient that I chronicle some of the 
litany of your worrisome activities as SUG President of Nsukka Campus for the sake of history as 

1. Let me once again remind you that the first ever successful biometric election in any 
Nigerian University brought you into power. I congratulate you again. I had expected that 
you will deploy this rare trust towards selfless services for the interest of the Nigerian 
students under your leadership but alas, how disappointed I am currently.
2. Despite the adverse security report against your candidature few hours before the 
election, we adjudged that the report was released late and being that you had a single 
contender, we ignored the report and moved on with the election. The regrets for this 
error are monumental. But God is there as the ultimate righteous judge.
3. I took your team on a three day leadership retreat at the Christ Church Chapel and I 
remembered telling you that the retreat meant nothing to you. It was my first shock coming 
to know you.
4. You character of unbridled avarice which you have never hidden has virtually destroyed 
unionism in UNN.
5. Your Government will ignobly be remembered as one that overshot their budget with a 
huge margin of over 9.5 million naira which again was drawn by you and few of your other 

6. You went on an official trip to Abuja and all you had to show the students battalion of UNN 
was your relaxation photo-shots at Hilton hotels Abuja- A despicable show in immaturity.
7. Your hunger and love for money made you to engage in shameless campaign of calumny 
against my person for not supporting blatant selfish move of yours. All these just for money 
and nothing more! I have been praying for you.
8. You kept stampeding my office without respect because according to you, you can cause 
trouble for the system. Your body language is that a man that has grown beyond control.
9. You lured the SUG President of UNEC into your selfish search for money and concluded 
that the students’ project money is absolutely within your entitled jurisdiction. According 
to you, it is your exclusive right to arrange for the project.
10.Because of my sincere insistence on due process (which in all honesty is even for your own 
good & safety), you galvanized hatred and raised serial falsehoods against my 
person. These character assassinations were severally published online by paid or 
sponsored bloggers. You never denied any officially. Yet I did nothing and you consider it 
11.Still due to your insatiable quest for money, you organized your team to come and lock 
the office of the Dean of Students, chased out staff of the Department and indeed locked 
my office! Regrettably on a day, I went to bury a final year civil engineering student who 
slumped and died while jogging. That tells your kind of heart. Let it be on record that you 
are the first SUG President to attempt this sacrilege and disrespect to the laws of our 
University. You boasted and boasted because probably had some forces backing you! Yet, 
I kept my peace to the glory of God.
12.Your Government has been involved in all manner of shady deals including the allocation 
of business premises at SUB area at cut throat rents without due process or even recourse 
to the Dean of Students (even for courtesy sake). You claimed ownership of the area and 
every other space in UNN you consider a potential source of money to you.
13.You started having secret meetings against my office right from the first day you assumed 
office. You alone know your reasons for this. In all your meetings, your focus has been 
one thing-Access to money and how to frustrate the Dean of Students.
14.You ganged up a lot of people against me using cheap propaganda and stark falsehood 
15.You refused to live in the hostel rather, all of you rented out your official bed spaces at 
Eni-Njoku hostel. Security surveillance showed that these students who occupy your official 
rooms were the ones responsible for instigating crises and unrest amongst students.
16.Your Government which made sure that any officer of the Union withdraws approved 
budgetary money must settle you with fat shares never considered the act corrupt and 
actionable. You will always do this despite my, pleas warnings and godly counsels.
17.Your threats against my person and office have become intractable and worrisome. 
According to you, all I do is to pray for and preach to you each time you visit my office in 
Students' Affairs Department.
18.You organized and collected money from several social groups who most times are not 
from our University. At least the recent one is the 95k you collected and spent selfishly 
against the welfare of our dear students. You refused to clean the Freedom square 
environment for which you collected money from the organizers. Each time, the Dean will 
organize and clean your mess! We have indeed over pampered you! 
19.Your Government purposefully refused to acknowledge the full rights of Hall Governors as 
constitutional. I have insisted that the Council of Hall Governors remains a constitutional 
organ of the SUG. Meanwhile, the Governors have remained law abiding despite your 
visible instigation for them to cause unrest in the University.
20. You have not relented in mobilizing social media warfare against the godly activities of 
Students Affairs. As at today, 9th November 2021, you are still hell-bent on creating unrest 
and trouble for the same University training. Your stock in trade is to peddle falsehoods, 
raise misguided aluta movement and still pretend to be a loyal leader! By God’s grace, 
truth will always prevail. Keep your media war on!
21.Your Government dragged the name of our University to the mud severally, the last, being 
the matter of students' project fund. I weep for your generation.
22.You allegedly connived with your allies to tarnish my image on the social media and 
threatened that our SUG election will not hold. For no other reason, except for money (the 
Students’ Project money). You are indeed a President of Students Union, Nsukka Campus.
23.You went ahead to instigate the out-gone Governors against me and directed them never 
to hand over till you the almighty President tells them otherwise. I have been watching 
24.Your perpetual habit of unremorseful and tactical apologies is well known and each time 
you express apologies, I fret at the shallowness of your mind and conduct.

25.You have destroyed the SUG bus which was duly refurbished and handed over to you 
because you use it for personal business and without authorization. You have become the 
SUG bus driver against the clear constitutional provision on this.
26. You have in the past rented the SUG bus bought by the former Vice-Chancellor, collected 
the money and refused to service the vehicle. I ignored it. You are a true joker.
27.You travel always without approval/authorization and engage University properties under 
your care without due process.
28.You have repeatedly threatened the University with unrest, the latest being that elections 
must not hold in UNN. I am perplexed!
29.Your fight with the Senate President, Senator Ifeanyi Nnamani has remained 
unresolved till date and has caused the University a great loss. You alone know the cause 
of this intractable quarrel even if not money related matters.
30.Your Government has always used threats of unrest by students to address any perceived 
actions of the University or policies you consider unfriendly to students in your own 
31.You have been pushing against all odds to see that the students’ project goes through to 
your personal satisfaction and gain. You have thrown my cautions to the wind. I wish you 
32.All my formal directives to you and other SUG Executives to retire all monies received or 
spent through their respective offices have fallen on deaf ears! You have blatantly flouted 
this directive. You refused to submit the records of all the rents collected from shops 
around SUB (Nsukka campus) allocated by the SUG leadership under your headship. The 
records are there for the world to see.
33.The President of Akwa-Ibom Students Association reported that you led a team that 
forcefully collected the cash donated to them by their executive Governor HE Emmanuel 
Udom who delivered the 2021 Founder’s Day Lecture. The President of the Akwa-Ibom 
Students’ Union has since made a formal report to the University of Nigeria Management!
34.Surveillance reports repeatedly show your high disregard for my office, person and the 
University which I consider a huge threat to my person, the students’ welfare and the 
entire University at large.
35. As is your usual mischievous nature, you refused to allow the Financial Secretary (Mr. 
Ogbonna Raphael) submit the detailed individual accounts for the payment of stipends 
to outgoing SUG officials including yourself for the reason that these individual stipends 
should be paid into the SUG account which he controls like his personal. The UNEC SUG 
President also delayed the submission. You, accompanied by the UNEC SUG President, 
Comrade Ugwuja came with the stampeding spirit to obligate the Dean of Students to 
recommend the direct payment of these stipends into SUG accounts. Of course, your 
reason(s) will not be far from an innate avarice to swindle other officers of their privileges. 
You have done it with nearly all the monies paid into that account. Several oral complaints 
and two (2) written petitions against you over this act are currently before my office. When 
I refused, you left to threaten the University and the UNECO. You seem to have lost realities 
of life not to talk of leadership.
36. Finally, your Financial Secretary submitted a hard copy (in MS word) of the account 
details without individual amounts on Monday, 22nd November 2021 while the 
submission from UNEC kept being delayed. In my nature I kept calling for these documents 
but flimsy reasons became your style. Finally, UNEC sent to me an online version of their 
account details (in PDF) without a forwarding letter on the evening of Wednesday 24th
November 2021. On my further request, the forwarding letter came via online on 
Thursday 25th November 2021 and I quickly got the approval of the Vice-Chancellor to 
pay this money on the same Thursday 25th November 2021 at about 2:54 pm. 
Immediately, I took the same approval to the Bursar who authorized immediate processing 
of the payments. Let it be known that your tactical delay was to gain cheap and 
foolish reason(s) for your illegal incisive meeting the same Thursday 25th
November 2021 where you instigated your few loyalists to rebel against the 
University of Nigeria. As a way of an incontrovertible witness, while you were holding 
your so called meeting, I still called your Financial Secretary to forward a soft copy of the 
account details as was demanded by Bursary Department. Furthermore, you now 
strangely included the Hall Governors’ accounts details in the list for their 
stipends possibly to woo them to your largely weakened house of leadership. 
The pearls have been thrown to the swine!
37. If not for the facts of item 36 above, why did you not attempt to visit Bursary (which is 
your usual tactics) to facilitate the payment? In my modest reasoning, you were looking 
for nonexistent reasons to perpetrate your threats. I wish you well!
38.To fulfill your threats, you singlehandedly wrote and made public a protest letter and 
foisted the Secretary’s signature on it against UNECO alleging that the widely accepted and 
meticulous screening of candidates for SUG elections were wrongly done. This evil act you 
executed during a well attended manifesto evening for all the cleared SUG aspirants. As 
dastardly foolish, rebellious and insensitive you have become, you neither visited UNECO 
nor the Dean of Students (whom you consider a “useless boy” that must be insulted

and destroyed by all means) to find out what happened in the UNECO screenings! To 
the Glory of the Almighty God, your evil ploys have continued to fail! Let it be known 
that you tactically concealed your real reason for this misleading publication 
which is to have access to the stipends of your colleagues. Stephen Ani, why 
are this mean?
39.I want to strongly believe that you are not yet done with being SUG President for nearly 
twenty four (24) Months and possibly want elongation of office through illegal means. 
Congratulations on your adventours!
40.Stephen Ani, be it known to you that by decree of the Watcher and the voice of the Holy 
ones, the SUG elections will hold on Tuesday 30th November 2021. Your antics are too 
obviously malicious, false and belligerent and cannot muzzle sane minds amongst the 
numerous very intelligent Nigerian students in the University of Nigeria to suggest 
postponement of SUG election.
41. Stephen Ani, be aware of this! I have searched my conscience and found no guilt in me 
against you. I have consistently prayed for you to encounter the Saviour and Lord, Jesus 
Christ and I am sure that God will do it. He has done it with others in the past and your 
case will not be different in Jesus Name! Amen.
42.I am yet to see a young man with your kind of heart! But God rules in the affairs of men. 
43.Let me emphasize that the Dean loves you as much as every other student in the University 
of Nigeria. The essence of this chronicle is to make the necessary history properly 
44.I shall be willing as always to offer you godly counsel if only your interest for positive 
change will become true and genuine. My ministry is the ministry burdened with 
reconciliation and I will be glad to see you become great in the Lord Jesus Christ!
45.This matter is by the decree of the Watchers and the demand by the word of the holy 
ones; to the intent that the living may know that the Most High ruleth in the kingdom of 
men, and giveth to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the basest of men (Daniel 
4:17 KJV).
I will stop here till further notice.
I remain, yours sincerely,
Professor Edwin Ogechukwu Omeje

Dean of Students
University of Nigeria
CC: Vice-Chancellor
 DVC (Admin)
 DVC (Academic)


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